05 May 2009

Arum Lily Candle - How to make the stem.

Firstly you will need to buy a dowel that has a 5mm diameter.
Cut the dowel into lengths that correspond with the depth of
your dipping pot. Next you need to melt green wax to 75
degrees in your dipping pot, I prefer to use a dark green
but that is entirely up to you.

Start by priming the dowel as you would prime a wick.
This is done so that the surface result at the end is
smooth. Start dipping the dowel/s but allow some time
in between each dip. Continue with this process untill
you can no longer see any wood or untill it is approx.
1cm thick. Leave to cool completely. Sounds alot like a
cooking recipe - Lol.

In the next post we'll put everything together.

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