24 August 2009

Why does my candle wick drown and how to fix it.

I have noticed over the years that many candle
users and makers get extremely frustrated when
the wick of their candles drown. Let me clear up
this frustation by telling you that if the wick
of a candle drowns
then it is most often
because the candle is lit for too small
a period of time.

Any candle that is thicker than a dinner
must be allowed to burn untill it
has reached its maximum wax pool capacity before
it is blown out or snuffed. The wax pool is the
molten area that starts to form around the wick
of a candle when it is lit. If this is not done
a funnel starts to form over time and molten
wax starts running into this "micro well" and
drowns the candle wick.

The only real way to rectify this is not to pour
out the molten wax(classic mistake) to get
the flame to burn properly again
, but to
remake the candle or to cut away the walls of the
"funnel" or "well" around the wick before lighting
the candle again.

Well that's all for now, I hope you have found
this information usefull.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice article. Thanks!