24 August 2009

Candle making instruction-How to make a moulded candle-step 9,10&11.

Step 9

Remove the tic tac or candle mould seal at the other end of the mould and simply turn the mould so that the open end used for pouring faces down. Now lightly tap the mould on a hard surface and you will notice that the candle will start sliding out of the mould.
If it doesnt slide out all the way then simply pull the candle out with your hand. If it's still being difficult and refuses to slide out out at all then you can try placing it in the fridge for about 5 to15 minutes before trying again.

Step 10

Take an old frying pan or pot and place it on the stove at medium heat. Take your candle and level it by melting the bottom section untill the rough area is smooth, straight and level. This sounds easier than it sometimes is but if you are a "serious" candle maker then there is some very good professional candle levelling equipment available.

Step 11

Now simply trim the wick of the candle and leave for 24 hours in order for the wax molecules to settle. This is important because the wax is still very "soft" and can cause your wick to drown during burning.

Congratulations - You have completed your first moulded candle!

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